KITECH-Naval Maintenance Depot had a meeting for further cooperation in AM technology





한국생산기술연구원과 해군정비창이 2023년 4월 14일 국방 제조 분야에서의 3D프린팅 기술협력을 강화하고

3D프린팅의 군 활용 확산을 위한 회의를 가졌다.






20230414 104959

20230414 105727 20230414 110444



이날 회의에는 최근 화제가 된 국산 제1호 구축함 광개토대왕함의 3D프린팅 수리를 가능하게 했던  생기원-해군정비창

간  공동 기술연구에 기여한 실무자들의 공로를 치하하고 더 효율적이고 의미있는 협업 방안을 모색하기 위해

생기원 이낙규 원장, 최헌식 해군정비청장이 참석하여 회의를 진행했다.






생기원 이낙규 원장은 국방부 장비관리과 정인영 소령과 해군정비창에서 3D프린팅팀장직을 맡고 있는 안석 사무관에게

3D프린팅 현장 활용 우수협력 사례를 구현한 공로를 치하하기 위해 원장상을 수여했다.


20230414 110711

20230414 110721

공백20230414 110733






해군정비창에서도 해군에 3D프린팅과 관련하여 긴밀한 기술지원 및 협력을 제공한 생기원 3D프린팅제조혁신센터에

해군정비청장 명의의 감사패를 전달하여 두 기관의 협력관계를 공고히 하는 자리를 빛냈다.




20230414 110828










3D프린팅 기술협력 회의 이후 해군정비청 인원의 3D제조혁신센터 공장동 및 전시실 투어가 있었고

국방 분야 외에 항공, 우주, 발전 등의 산업에서도 활용되고 있는 3D프린팅 기술 현황을 파악한 최 창장은

“해군에서 3D프린팅과 같은 디지털 기술 도입 및 활용을 선도하게 되어 만족스럽고 향후에도 적극적으로 협력할 것”이라고 밝혔다



20230414 112610

공백 20230414 112427




Posted in Uncategorized

Privacy Policy

('' hereinafter referred to as 'Advanced Packaging Integration Center of Korea Institute of Industrial Technology') establishes and discloses this privacy policy to protect personal information and handle related complaints promptly and smoothly in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 1 (Purpose of Processing Personal Information)

The processes personal information for the following purposes. The personal information processed will not be used for purposes other than the following, and if the purpose of use is changed, necessary measures such as obtaining separate consent under Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act will be implemented.

1. Provision of Goods or Services
Personal information is processed for the purposes of goods delivery, service provision, sending contracts and invoices, providing content, offering customized services, identity verification, payment and settlement of fees, and debt collection.

  • Collection Method: Website
  • Retention Period: 3 or 5 years
  • Related Laws: Records on collection/processing and use of credit information: 3 years, Records on consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years, Records on payment and supply of goods: 5 years

Article 2 (Categories of Personal Information Processed)

The processes the following categories of personal information.

  • For the purpose of providing goods or services
  • Optional: Email, mobile phone number, name, company name

Article 3 (Procedures and Methods for Destroying Personal Information)

The will destroy personal information without delay when it becomes unnecessary, such as the expiration of the retention period or achievement of the processing purpose.

1. Destruction Procedure
selects the personal information for which the reason for destruction has occurred and destroys it with the approval of the personal information protection officer.

2. Destruction Method
Information in electronic file format is destroyed using technical methods that make the records irreproducible.

Article 4 (Rights and Obligations of Data Subjects and Legal Representatives and How to Exercise Them)

1. Data subjects can exercise their rights to request access, correction, deletion, and suspension of processing of their personal information at any time to the .

2. The exercise of rights under paragraph 1 can be made to the by written, email, or fax in accordance with Article 41(1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, and the will take action without delay.

3. The exercise of rights under paragraph 1 can also be made through a legal representative or a delegated person. In this case, a power of attorney must be submitted in accordance with the form of Notice No. 2020-7 of the Personal Information Processing Method.

4. Requests for access to personal information and suspension of processing may be restricted according to Articles 35(4) and 37(2) of the Personal Information Protection Act.

5. Requests for correction and deletion of personal information cannot be requested if the personal information is specified as a collection target in other laws.

6. The confirms whether the requester of access, correction, deletion, or suspension of processing is the person or a legitimate agent.

Article 5 (Measures to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information)

The takes the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.

1. Minimization and Training of Personal Information Handling Staff
The implements measures to manage personal information by designating and limiting the number of employees handling personal information.

2. Technical Measures against Hacking, etc.
The installs security programs, periodically updates and inspects them, installs systems in areas with restricted access, and technically and physically monitors and blocks them to prevent leakage and damage of personal information by hacking or computer viruses.

3. Encryption of Personal Information
Users' personal information is encrypted and stored and managed so that only the user can know it, and important data uses separate security functions such as encrypting files and transmission data or using file lock functions.

4. Storage and Prevention of Forgery and Theft of Access Records
The uses security functions to prevent forgery, theft, and loss of access records to the personal information processing system.

5. Restriction of Access to Personal Information
Necessary measures are taken to control access to personal information through granting, changing, and canceling access rights to the database system that processes personal information, and unauthorized access from outside is controlled using an intrusion prevention system.

Article 6 (Matters Concerning the Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Devices that Automatically Collect Personal Information)

1.The uses 'cookies' that store and retrieve usage information from time to time to provide individually customized services to users.

Cookies are small pieces of information that the server (http) used to run the website sends to the user's computer browser and are sometimes stored on the user's PC hard disk.

Purpose of using cookies: Cookies are used to provide optimized information to users by identifying the visit and usage patterns of each service and website visited by the user, popular search terms, and security access status.

Installation, operation, and rejection of cookies: You can refuse to store cookies by setting options in the privacy menu of the tools > internet options at the top of the web browser.

If you refuse to store cookies, you may experience difficulties in using customized services.

Data subjects can contact the personal information protection officer and department in charge for all personal information protection related inquiries, complaints, and damage relief that occur while using the services (or business) of the . The will respond and handle inquiries without delay.